Max Patel

Recent Posts

Nurturing Your Marketing Tech Stack

There were more than 8,000 marketing tech solutions released in the last year alone.

Year-End and 2021: Marketing/Media Projects

Trevelino/Keller, offering services to U.S. government agencies as a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) and Disaster Recovery contract holder, offers digital marketing, analytics, media and PR[…]

Facebooks Ads Done the Right Way: Don’t Obsess Over KPIs

Brands/businesses often use social media advertising, Facebook in particular, with the goal of growing sales. Many want results overnight. But that’s not exactly how it works. Social advertising is a[…]

Building Value Through Audience Personas

We recently had the opportunity to work with a new business owner, who was looking to market gym wear to a “whoever will buy” audience. While this was not a bad place to start, we knew we had to[…]

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