Is Digital the Best Way to Reach Millenials

Millennials—or Generation Y, depending on your preferred vocabulary – are now the primary consumer audience for many companies looking to market their products or services. However, understanding[…]

Sponsorships/Partnerships: Should you do it?

In recent months, our clients have been increasingly interested in partnerships, sponsorships and affiliate marketing, whether that is with a brand, an event or even a celebrity. We at[…]

Finessing WordPress.  Finding a theme you can call your own.

As a platform that started as a “one-size fits all” free platform for bloggers, WordPress has developed immensely. Now considered a top–level, easy-to-use content management system, the platform[…]

The Digital Magazine As The New PowerPoint

As a graphic designer, I often find myself creating PowerPoint presentations for a wide variety of needs. While a traditional PowerPoint presentation can be useful, they can quickly become boring or[…]

T/K Designs A New Brand Of Its Own … Groovy Studios

As an agency, we’ve long handled our creative work in-house. Our team is a wheelhouse of expertise -- digital marketers, writers, designers, videographers, photographers and other artists. With[…]

Creativity in the Digital Age

Fast Company recently published a series of articles entitled #Unplug.


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