Have you noticed the trend in branded social media away from traditional brand voice and tone, and towards more humorous content and lighthearted tone? It’s not a mistake, and for the brands getting[…]
There are many ways to make your brand standout on social media including eye-catching visuals, unique formatting and strong content. However, at Trevelino/Keller we have found that one of the most[…]
Keeping up with the ever-changing social media landscape is a job in and of itself. Every week the big social media guns announce a new update, product, way to advertise or even a completely new[…]
When it comes to social media, there is no constant. From learning about the latest Facebook algorithm to deciphering the world of social advertising, I could spend my entire day reading about the[…]
Snapchat has outgrown its roots. What started as a platform primarily used by teens to send risqué photos without repercussions has evolved to become a powerhouse of news content and a strategic[…]
Although corporate marketing initiatives are an important part of any brand’s overall success, local-store marketing programs are essential to driving traffic to stores or restaurants. With that[…]