Measuring your Brand’s Social Media ROI

In every major survey of social marketers, “Social ROI” is still cited as a top challenge. Many public relations and marketing specialist struggle to find the best way to measure their company’s[…]

How to Find the Right Voice for Your Social Media Marketing

There are many ways to make your brand standout on social media including eye-catching visuals, unique formatting and strong content. However, at Trevelino/Keller we have found that one of the most[…]

4 Simple LinkedIn Tweaks That Will Get You Noticed

As a recent college graduate, I understand the importance of LinkedIn -- or so I thought. In Public Relations we’re frequently told, “connect with me on LinkedIn,” as an assumption that all young[…]

#TweetSmarter | Twitter Campaigns that Drive Results

So you’ve decided to invest in a social media ad campaign. You’ve gone through the basics, picked your graphics, chosen your basic targeting, but what’s next? What can separate you from your[…]

Twitter Live Events Stream…or Project Lightning…or Moments…

Keeping up with the ever-changing social media landscape is a job in and of itself. Every week the big social media guns announce a new update, product, way to advertise or even a completely new[…]

Three Social Trends Worth Knowing

When it comes to social media, there is no constant. From learning about the latest Facebook algorithm to deciphering the world of social advertising, I could spend my entire day reading about the[…]

The Underdog of the Social World

Facebook Privacy Notice? You’re Smarter Than That.

About a week later after it started popping up on my News Feed, my Facebook friends seem to have finally realized that the ‘privacy notice’ protecting their personal details and data from[…]

Election Day 2016: Starting Now?

Just How Far Will Consumers Go For Their Favorite Brand?

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