A Look Ahead to 2016…. Are You In Or Are You Out?

The name of this blog may be PR Speak but as 2015 has come and gone we have adapted to the needs of our clients to enter 2016 as a full-service PR, Marketing and Digital agency. We’re lucky to have[…]

8 Tips for Social Media Business

Similar to Rome, an organization’s social media network cannot be built in a day. Social media is a great platform to market your organization’s business and increase revenue however, it takes a team[…]

Latest on Social Media Trends

Building Your Audience With Periscope

In terms of digital marketing, building your audience matters. You can achieve this by integrating campaigns through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and a variety[…]

How to Find the Right Voice for Your Social Media Marketing

There are many ways to make your brand standout on social media including eye-catching visuals, unique formatting and strong content. However, at Trevelino/Keller we have found that one of the most[…]

4 Simple LinkedIn Tweaks That Will Get You Noticed

As a recent college graduate, I understand the importance of LinkedIn -- or so I thought. In Public Relations we’re frequently told, “connect with me on LinkedIn,” as an assumption that all young[…]

#TweetSmarter | Twitter Campaigns that Drive Results

So you’ve decided to invest in a social media ad campaign. You’ve gone through the basics, picked your graphics, chosen your basic targeting, but what’s next? What can separate you from your[…]

Twitter Live Events Stream…or Project Lightning…or Moments…

Keeping up with the ever-changing social media landscape is a job in and of itself. Every week the big social media guns announce a new update, product, way to advertise or even a completely new[…]

Three Social Trends Worth Knowing

When it comes to social media, there is no constant. From learning about the latest Facebook algorithm to deciphering the world of social advertising, I could spend my entire day reading about the[…]

Beyond Selfies and Parties – How Snapchat is Repositioning Itself as a Major News and Brand Management Platform

Snapchat has outgrown its roots. What started as a platform primarily used by teens to send risqué photos without repercussions has evolved to become a powerhouse of news content and a strategic[…]

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