Top 5 Reasons Franchises Should Embrace Hyperlocal Digital in 2017

As the marketing landscape shifts towards digital, our franchise clients are understanding the importance of how hyperlocal efforts can have a direct impact on a business. As franchises look ahead to[…]

How Not to Pitch

One of the great things about being headquartered in Atlanta is our agency’s presence at Atlanta Tech Village (ATV). If you haven’t been yet, I highly recommend heading to Buckhead to see first-hand[…]

TK's Holiday Wish List

What Is the Net Worth of Your Network?

No Need for Speed

Norwegian Television's Slow Burn

We’ve conditioned ourselves to skip around. Float between browser windows. Fast forward. Scroll back.

An Update for the Start-Up Community

The Convergence of Creativity & Discipline

For years I kept a yellow legal pad on my bedside table. I was always ready to scribble down ideas in the dark I knew I would forget in the light. That paper has been replaced by the ‘Notes’ function[…]

Creativity in the Digital Age

Fast Company recently published a series of articles entitled #Unplug.

The Accessibility of Video

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