#TweetSmarter | Twitter Campaigns that Drive Results

So you’ve decided to invest in a social media ad campaign. You’ve gone through the basics, picked your graphics, chosen your basic targeting, but what’s next? What can separate you from your[…]

Twitter Live Events Stream…or Project Lightning…or Moments…

Keeping up with the ever-changing social media landscape is a job in and of itself. Every week the big social media guns announce a new update, product, way to advertise or even a completely new[…]

Mayor Reed Heightens ATL’s Tech Visibility

Social Media Research and Analytics

Here at T/K we don’t make vendor choices without due diligence. So, when in search of a social media analytics company we spent a great deal of time researching, participating in demos and testing[…]

When It’s Ok to Stop Being Connected

Photo from David Horsey with Seattle PI

The Real Value of Social Media

Drinking the YouTube Kool-Aid

Currently, large and small businesses are familiarizing themselves with social networks, including Facebook and Twitter, and are increasingly using them as tools to connect with customers. According[…]

What Does Your Twitter Say About You?

“Calculating” a Social Media Blunder

Is There Any Social Media Etiquette?

As David Armano points out in a recent article from the Harvard Business

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