Three of my all-time favorite products happen to be a few of the biggest, most well-known and most successful brands in the world.
- Starbucks
- Apple
- Coca Cola
I go pretty far every week to declare my loyalty to them every week – from spending $4+ on an iced latte to buying that deliciously refreshing can of Coke. My love for all things Apple runs deep, just look at my MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone and iPod! I am the quintessential brand loyalist.
One of my favorite things about Starbucks? Their Pumpkin Spice Latte, of course! I always know fall is right around the corner once I begin seeing Starbucks promoting it. Whether deliberate or not, Starbucks historically did not announce which markets will receive Pumpkin Spice Lattes first.
Interestingly, their latest social campaign allows consumers like me to compete for which cities will be the first to receive the Pumpkin Spice Latte this fall! Yes,I've already entered and compete daily!
You can gain points for your city by sharing the contest on social properties such as Facebook and Twitter. Participants compete in daily challenges including word searches, creating a city post card, writing pumpkin poetry, drawing chalkboard art and scrapbooking. You can enter the contest and help out your city on their Facebook page.
People love Starbucks and they spend exuberant amounts of money on a regular basis for the coffee they know and love. Is it overpriced because people know the brand and are willing to pay the price? Probably, but loyal consumers will continue paying anyhow.
As consumers, we tend to be very loyal to the brands we trust. Once we find a product we love and feel confident in, it’s hard to break that bond. We’re loyal until the end.
How far have you gone for your favorite brand? What have you done for a product you love?
By, Lauren Gray