Latest on Social Media Trends

social media trends

The Big Picture

In terms of social media, we’ve all embraced the fact that the trends are forever changing. Left and right, new features are added and algorithms are updated to enhance the user experience within each platform. Whether it’s Instagram’s new 30 seconds ads or Snapchat’s brand-sponsored lenses, social media apps are doing anything and everything to stay relevant and ahead of the game.

What You May Have Missed

The buy button in coming into the forefront thanks to Facebook and Pinterest. People are now able to buy an item without leaving the app itself. Expect most social media brands to hop along the bandwagon. Speaking off bandwagons, Periscope will become a viable marketing tool in the near future. Periscope can help Q-and-A sessions on Twitter become more personal and create intimacy between yourself and fans/followers. But with all these emerging platforms, Facebook still boasts a user base of 72% of online adults in the U.S.

That’s What He Said

“I anticipate these trends will permeate the landscape of social media marketing, across multiple platforms and of course many audiences. Already, you can see platforms like Facebook and Twitter rushing toward these achievements at an alarming pace, but it’s the companies who adapt to these changes who stand to benefit the most. Prepare for these changes and beat your competition to the punch, and you’ll be rewarded with more visibility and a greater reputation.” Jayson DeMers, Forbes Writer

The Takeaway

Social media trends are forever evolving, and to stay relevant, companies both large and small should stay aware of these changes. You never know, that one tweak in an app might be the thing to put your business to the next level.


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