Measuring Earned Media: How to be Smarter

Like all PR agencies, media monitoring and reporting is a key part of the services we provide to our clients. But historically, the tools and software to support this basic element of public relations have failed to lead the industry into a new position of credibility. We have virtual reality, artificial intelligence and self-driving cars – but we struggle to find a tool that accurately captures and demonstrates the impact of earned media coverage/efforts.

Year after year, we conduct our annual evaluation of the top providers out there and always fall short or worse yet, are forced to settle. This year was different.  We established a new relationship with industry-disruptor TrendKite. While we were introduced to TrendKite a few years ago, we were hesitant to give them a try…at first.  Along the way, they acquired InsightPool, a previous Trevelino/Keller startup client. 

With confidence increased, we moved forward an in-depth review, convinced the software was up to the task.

With TrendKite in our arsenal, we’ve immediately achieved two goals:

  1. Curated actionable insights for our clients, and
  2. Streamlined manual reporting processes for our teams

The data and analytics available via TrendKite are truly a marketer’s dream. In today’s landscape, we know we must prove how PR moves the needle for our clients. TrendKite delivers this proof far beyond Circulation and Impressions, showcasing analytics that includes Share of Voice, SEO Impact and much more. Our commitment to measure earned media as we do paid media moved one step closer. 

From an operational standpoint, we are able to have all coverage – online, broadcast and print – all delivered via one tool, reducing the time teams previously spent manually compiling clip reports. At the end of the day, this tool not only make us more efficient, it makes us smarter.

As we look to evolve our reporting capabilities for the coming year, we’ll keep diving into the data to identify more opportunities and key learnings for clients and teams. Of course, we’ll continue to review the latest and greatest measurement tools on the market each year. If anything, TrendKite just upped the ante for the rest of the market.
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