When It’s Ok to Stop Being Connected

Photo from David Horsey with Seattle PI

The Real Value of Social Media

Drinking the YouTube Kool-Aid

Currently, large and small businesses are familiarizing themselves with social networks, including Facebook and Twitter, and are increasingly using them as tools to connect with customers. According[…]

The New Kids on the Block

On a recent media tour through the offices of New York’s elite print media, I was surprised to see just how much the media landscape has changed in the past couple of years. Gone are the seasoned[…]

Digital Atlanta

As I think you’ll agree, innovation and forward thinking converge in the digital hub of Atlanta.... its home to more than 13,000 high tech companies and one of America's most wired cities. Atlanta[…]

What Does Your Twitter Say About You?

Read to Lead

The Celebrity Tweeters Are Alive Again

Alicia Keys, Kim Kardashian and Lady GaGa are among several famous tweeters who died a “digital” death last week on World AIDS Day. For what has been referred to as the “digital death campaign,”[…]

What to Do When You Get a “No”

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