Three Pieces of Advice to Help you Rock your First PR Agency Gig

Prior to landing a job at Atlanta-based PR agency Trevelino/Keller I had the opportunity to work in a variety of industries including food & bev, non-profit, education and startups. T/K was my first[…]

TK's Holiday Wish List

Never Stop Learning

A Resolution for 2013

There are plenty of reasons to make resolutions, and just as many reasons to break them. In general, I hate resolutions because they never work. They’re made in haste, at a time when we’re already[…]

Facebook Privacy Notice? You’re Smarter Than That.

About a week later after it started popping up on my News Feed, my Facebook friends seem to have finally realized that the ‘privacy notice’ protecting their personal details and data from[…]

Election Day 2016: Starting Now?

Why Trevelino/Keller Clients Are Buzzing This Holiday Season

Read to Lead

What to Do When You Get a “No”

Let’s Get Social

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